Abdominal (Nabhi) Basti


Abdominal (Nabhi) Basti is a therapeutic treatment aimed at improving digestion and promoting emotional release. During the session, warm oil is gently poured in and around the naval area (umbilicus), providing targeted nourishment and support to the abdominal region.

This therapy is particularly beneficial for releasing suppressed emotions and stress, as it helps to balance the connection between the mind and gut according to Ayurvedic principles. By addressing emotional tension stored in the abdomen, Abdominal Basti can lead to a sense of relief and relaxation.

In addition to its emotional benefits, Abdominal Basti also aids in improving digestion and enhancing metabolism. The warm oil application stimulates the digestive fire, promoting optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Experience the therapeutic effects of Abdominal Basti and enjoy improved digestion, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Treat yourself to this nurturing therapy and feel the tension melt away from your abdomen.
