Healing The Mind, Body & Soul: Part 2. Self Practice Tools Of Yog, Mudra


“Healing Mind Body & Soul” – Self Awakening To Reset, Reboot, Rebalance – A book explaining Art of self-healing through Ayurveda and Vedic Wisdom in a simple language.

“Healing Mind Body & Soul”  Self Awakening to Reset, Reboot, Rebalance is a book to help individuals attain knowledge for day-to-day ayurvedic health practice and build a healthier lifestyle and community. It explains the science behind Vedic Wisdom in contemporary language. Restore the balance and harmony of your mind, body, and soul. Know the Self Practice tools of Yoga Mudra
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“Healing Mind, Body & Soul: Part 2 – Self Practice Tools of Yoga Mudra” is a comprehensive guide that empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being through ancient Ayurvedic and Vedic practices. This book is a continuation of the journey started in Part 1, delving deeper into the practical applications of self-healing techniques.

Written in simple language accessible to all, “Healing Mind, Body & Soul” offers invaluable insights into the science behind Ayurveda and Vedic wisdom. Readers will discover self-practice tools such as Yoga and Mudra, which serve as powerful means to reset, reboot, and rebalance the mind, body, and soul.

The book serves as a roadmap for cultivating a healthier lifestyle and fostering a sense of community around holistic well-being. Through the knowledge shared within its pages, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, restoring balance and harmony in every aspect of their lives.

With detailed explanations and practical guidance, “Healing Mind, Body & Soul: Part 2” equips readers with the tools they need to navigate their personal wellness journey with confidence and clarity. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock the secrets of self-healing and embrace a life of vitality and fulfillment.