MODULE 1: FOOD IS MEDICINE – Simple And Beautiful Ways Of Ayurvedic Cooking


Module 1 includes:
Item 1: Digestive & Anti -Inflammatory Wellness
Item 2: Traditional Yogi Detox – Delight Your Brain
Item 3: Emotional, Liver & Neuron Smoothening Recipe
Item 4: Everyone’s Boon & Nectar – Tridoshic Recipe

Step into healthy, happy and free Life

Check more about the program here:


MODULE 1: FOOD IS MEDICINE – Simple And Beautiful Ways Of Ayurvedic Cooking is a comprehensive program designed to explore the healing properties of food in Ayurveda. In this module, participants will discover:

  1. Digestive & Anti-Inflammatory Wellness: Learn how to prepare dishes that promote healthy digestion and reduce inflammation in the body. These recipes are carefully curated to support optimal digestive function and overall well-being.
  2. Traditional Yogi Detox – Delight Your Brain: Explore the art of detoxification through food, specifically tailored to delight the brain. Discover recipes that support the body’s natural detoxification processes while nourishing the mind.
  3. Emotional, Liver & Neuron Smoothening Recipe: Dive into recipes that target emotional balance, support liver health, and promote smooth neuron function. These dishes are crafted to nurture both the body and the mind, fostering emotional well-being.
  4. Everyone’s Boon & Nectar – Tridoshic Recipe: Experience the versatility of Tridoshic recipes, suitable for all body types and constitutions. These recipes act as a boon, providing nourishment and vitality to every individual, regardless of their Ayurvedic dosha.

Step into a healthy, happy, and free life with MODULE 1: FOOD IS MEDICINE – Simple And Beautiful Ways Of Ayurvedic Cooking. Explore the profound connection between food and wellness, and embark on a journey towards vibrant health and vitality.