(704) 808-0708 apatki@ayurvedahealingspa.com

754 Barossa Valley Drive Concord, NC 28027

Amalaki, the revered Indian Gooseberry

Certainly! Let’s dive deeper into the mystical world of Amalaki, the revered Indian Gooseberry. 🌿 So, my friend, embrace Amalaki. Let it weave its magic through your cells, whispering tales of […]

Ayurveda: The Science Of Life

In the United States there has been an uprising in awareness about healthy living, eating and lifestyles. An interesting phenomenon has been observed by those who have studied the scriptures of the […]

Discover Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the oldest surviving complete medical system in the world. Derived from its ancient Sanskrit roots – ‘ayus‘ (life) and ‘ved‘ (knowledge) – and offering a rich, comprehensive outlook to […]

Beauty – The Forgotten Wisdom

What is real beauty? If you don’t know the true source of beauty – authentic beauty, then you will constantly chase after an ideal that can never be satisfied or […]

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